God Incarnate – Part 1
Timothy Keller Sermons Podcast by Gospel in Life - En podkast av Tim Keller

What does it mean that Jesus is called Immanuel, or God with us? Every other religion was founded by someone who was a prophet or a teacher who came to tell us how to find God—but Christianity says, “No, our Founder, Jesus Christ, is God come to find you.” This sermon will consider three things about Jesus Christ as Immanuel: 1) He is God; 2) He is us (human); and 3) He’s with us. This sermon was preached by Dr. Timothy Keller at Redeemer Presbyterian Church on December 12, 2010. Series: To Know the Living God – The God Who Can Be Known. Scripture: Matthew 1. Today's podcast is brought to you by Gospel in Life, the site for all sermons, books, study guides and resources from Timothy Keller and Redeemer Presbyterian Church. If you've enjoyed listening to this podcast and would like to support the ongoing efforts of this ministry, you can do so by visiting https://gospelinlife.com/give and making a one-time or recurring donation.