027 Doctor Who (Inferno)
theTimeVault - En podkast av theTimeVault

The Centre of the Earth. A fascinating subject, tackled by many different writers and storytellers over the ages; what wonders are to be found at the Earth's core? What dangers, treasures and enchantments are waiting to be discovered? But as good as these stories may be, that is all they are - stories, flights of fancy. The truth is like nothing you could imagine and now, finally, Doctor Who has revealed to us that most incredible truth. The Earth's core (drum roll please) is full……of…… Snot. Boiling. bubbling snot. And hair. Lots of it, all over the body. There's also a lot of burning hot magma spewing forth like the after-effects of a really hot curry. Strangely enough no women get affected by these things, only men. So join us as we discuss Doctor Who and the Hot 'n Hairy Snot Monsters from the Earth's Core