254 Superhero Showdown...6?
The Weekly Planet - En podkast av Planet Broadcasting
To save $20 on your lenses, just go to http://www.simplecontacts.com/planet or enter the code planet at checkout Try ShipStation FREE for 30 days with a special bonus when you use the promotion code PLANET at ShipStation.com This week it’s time for a brand new Superhero Showdown in addition to trailers for Creed 2, Fantastic Beasts 2, Holmes & Watson, Fantastic Beasts 2, news of Star Wars, Birds of Prey and the state of Fox and the X-Men movies including Dark Phoenix. Which is bad. Thanks for listening! Just Make The Thing: https://goo.gl/bjSYNE Donate CARE Australia: https://planetbroadcastingcareaus.everydayhero.com/au/donations Bumblebee Video: https://t.co/9lNGSx4JYT 3:44 Kathleen Kennedy contract renewed 11:18 Birds of Prey casting 12:54 Holmes & Watson trailer 17:11 Creed 2 trailer 21:55 Fantastic Beasts 2 final trailer 26:34 Bumblebee trailer 32:42 Fox X-Men update & Dark Phoenix 45:13 Superhero Showdown! 1:45:09 What We Reading/What We Gonna Read 1:48:39 Letters It’s Time For Letters The Weekly Planet YouTube Channel: https://goo.gl/1ZQFGH Find out T-Shirts here: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/mr-sunday-movies If you want to support the show by doing practically nothing, shop at Amazon via this link: http://goo.gl/57ZYsn. A small percentage goes our way at no extra cost to you. Or something. Also if you're from outside the US just visit the link then go to your countries page and it should work. I guess. I dunno. For information regarding your data privacy, visit acast.com/privacy