Stephen Wolfram Q&A, Can Sci-Fi be Real: Episode 3

The Stephen Wolfram Podcast - En podkast av Wolfram Research


Stephen Wolfram answers audience questions about science fiction concepts as part of an ongoing livestream series.

Questions include: What will sci-fi look like in 20 years? How does the past compare to today? - Will there be a "Golden Age" for science? - Russia and the USA are only a few miles apart at some locations, still it takes more than 10 hours of flight time. Why? - Why and how do you know all this? - Do you think that we will have brain implants that allow us to access the internet anytime soon? - Is it true that only left-handed people are in their "right" minds? - Have you given any thought to adding augmented reality features into Wolfram|Alpha for Android?

See the full Q&A video playlist:

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