From Studio Sets to Road Tests: Austrian Audio Unboxed

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This week's Pro Audio Suite episode is a deep dive into Austrian Audio's treasure chest, featuring the OC707, OC818 studio set, CC8, and OC7. Discover the groundbreaking features of these mics and why they might just revolutionize your audio work. Robbo, AP, and Robert share their firsthand experiences, from studio recording and on-the-road versatility to voiceover excellence. It's an unboxing and testing session filled with expert analysis, fun, and a whole lot of audio geekery. Don't miss out on this sonic adventure. A big shout out to our sponsors, Austrian Audio and Tri Booth. Both these companies are providers of QUALITY Audio Gear (we wouldn't partner with them unless they were), so please, if you're in the market for some new kit, do us a solid and check out their products, and be sure to tell em "Robbo, George, Robert, and AP sent you"... As a part of their generous support of our show, Tri Booth is offering $200 off a brand-new booth when you use the code TRIPAP200. So get onto their website now and secure your new booth... And if you're in the market for a new Mic or killer pair of headphones, check out Austrian Audio. They've got a great range of top-shelf gear.. We have launched a Patreon page in the hopes of being able to pay someone to help us get the show to more people and in turn help them with the same info we're sharing with you. If you aren't familiar with Patreon, it’s an easy way for those interested in our show to get exclusive content and updates before anyone else, along with a whole bunch of other "perks" just by contributing as little as $1 per month. Find out more here..     George has created a page strictly for Pro Audio Suite listeners, so check it out for the latest discounts and offers for TPAS listeners. If you haven't filled out our survey on what you'd like to hear on the show, you can do it here: Join our Facebook page here: And the FB Group here: For everything else (including joining our mailing list for exclusive previews and other goodies), check out our website “When the going gets weird, the weird turn professional.” Hunter S Thompson   [00:00:00] And welcome to another Pro Audio Suite thanks to Tribooth. You can see it in the background. Don't forget the code TRIPAP to get 200 off your purchase. Uh, Today we're going to do an unboxing right after this. So, George, you've got yourself a new microphone from Austrian audio Of course, one of our sponsors. Yes, it's Christmas early, extremely early in this case, [00:01:00] because I asked for this microphone a while ago and I wasn't sure if they'd send it to me because it is absolutely not. In the category of podcasting or voiceover. So I didn't think they were going to send it to me, but, they did because maybe they see what I see. And this is what I've got today to show you. And that's the You OC, not yet. OC 707. So this microphone has a lot in common with other mics. You guys are going to see from our unboxings. But this one kind of, to me, is like, I feel like, we should have done this last in a way, because I feel like it's the best of all the others, but all of us are going to tell us why their mic is the best, I think, right? So, OC707 is a small capsule condenser microphone. much like the pencil mic that we're going to see and the mic that, Robert's using. But it's just in the way that it's packaged. It's packaged as a handheld, right? So, why a handheld [00:02:00] vocal mic for voiceover or podcasting? Well, here's my, here was my thought. So, wouldn't it be nice to have a mic with a good internal pop filter? One. it's always there and it's always with you. Two, That's the unboxing part. Two, wouldn't it be nice if the mic had a decent amount of shock mounting internally, so the capsule wouldn't pick up rumble and stuff from wherever it's mounted? Yeah, sounds good, right? Well, that's the whole idea of a high quality handheld studio. Well, it's not studio. It's a live. It's just a handheld yeah. Mm-Hmm. mic, right? This is the whole idea of a mic like this. You're getting the quality of the capsule from their smaller diaphragm mics, but housed in a handheld form factor. So it can handle some handholding, meaning it will not pick up vibration. So if you mounted this to a mic arm or stuck it on a table or clamped it to a bed post or whatever it is you [00:03:00] need to put the mic, you're not going to get much rumble or low frequency noise, right? Another cool thing about the design of this mic, look at that crazy head basket. It actually it's like suspended it's it's sort of similar to my mic here where they have the capsule there, But the back of it accessible. I think that's part of their, um, a name for that tech. Yeah, they do have a name for that design, that design aspect, which I can't recall, But the idea is they're trying to make sure that there's no coloration that occurs because of the capsule being enclosed in any way at the rear. So that's the, the idea that this should give you the best off axis response, it should give you the smoothest off axis response. So before I go further and plug it in. Um, the only feature it has, really, if you call it that, is a switch. It does, uh, technology, Open Acoustics Technology. yeah, and does have a switch. The switch does engage a 120 hertz roll [00:04:00] off at the bottom end. What the slope is, I don't know. It's, I'm guessing it's probably as gentle, like a 6 dB per octave slope. But that is what you get on this mic. So without further ado, I'm going to plug it in, and it made a nice pop. I don't know if you guys heard the pop, did you? Even with the gain all the way down? So I'm going to go ahead and pot this up and let's see if you guys are catching it on your end. One, two, three. Yes, it's definitely coming up. yeah, And we'll pot down our other one. The OC 18. So now I'm on the OC 707. And, uh, tonally, it's very smooth, with what sounds to me like a little bit of a mid range, like, mid range, like, eh, eh, somewhere in the, hank, honk. there's like a little bit of a bump in the honk frequency. And that's, they did say that's by design, they actually said it has a little bit of a fuzz. forwardness at the two to three K range because they feel it [00:05:00] does help bring a vocal, um, out of the, you know, out of the mud, especially for live. guitars going on underneath you, that's gonna help. Yep. Absolutely. So, so if I was going to use this as a stand in for, uh, any of our other mics, my tendency would probably be to smooth that frequency out just to my ears and kind of put a little dip to smooth out that little bit of bump. But other than that, You're probably talking about like what 2 DB DB or so. And that's, what's crazy. You don't think two DB is that big a deal, but it's amazing when you hear, we are so tuned to hear our own voice or really human voice through a microphone. Right. And it's just, we've heard it so much. So there's any anomaly in, you know, in the frequencies, you pick it out really quick, right? But if it was a bass guitar and you added two DB of a certain frequency, it wouldn't be so dreadfully obvious. So, That's always interesting with mics. But anyway, that's the O. C. and whole. have the two mics set up so you can pot between the two, like go from the [00:06:00] 818 to the OC 707? I can do that. It'd be interesting to get like an equal distance and just kind of play around with that. Before you do that, how does it handle off axis stuff? Like if you're a bit off axis, does it get a bit lost? Yeah, we can try that. So, so I'm I'm gripping it, like, kind of like death grip singer grip and you're not hearing any. OK, if I really squeeze it, there's a little, if I move my thumb around, go. Yeah. the amount of handholding you get. But. If you hold it the proper way, as Steve Jobs would say, the correct way to hold the phone, um, by the, by the fingers like this, you get very, very minimal, um, I'm not using any high pass filters. This is right off the mic. So, so in terms of off axis, if I start speaking mic across the microphone now, and now I'm speaking at it at about, now I'm about 90 degrees. Yeah. right? One. And Definitely loses the low end and yeah, and there's the [00:07:00] rear rejection Notice the rear rejection is The rear rejection. 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, in your face, because we 2. Yeah, it has an amazing rear rejection. A bit for it to sort of sound off axis. yeah, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2. 1, 2, 1, then all of a sudden the low end really plummeted and it kind of retained some of the high end for a bit as it so very smooth off axis. And what does that mean to you as a voiceover actor or whatever, podcaster? It means that you can move around the microphone quite a bit. If it's mounted on a stand, for example, and you want to voice act. And you can move around the microphone a fair deal. And the only thing that's going to vary much at all is the volume, right? So as you get further closer, Yeah. it doesn't sound funky as you go off axis. So, All, all in all, I got to say, I'm extremely impressed. doesn't seem huge. Am I wrong about that? You know, if I get in deep, you know, those are, that's where you can really get that proximity effect [00:08:00] Mm And then back out to about, Yeah. Okay. So, so It is there. It is about this far away. 1, 2, 3, 4. So yeah. Excellent sounding handheld mic. Now the sound, the, the, um, the self noise on the mic on paper is not all that impressive at 19, I think it's 19. db um, self noise. I can't hear it But in, in reality, it's like you, yeah. if you have a heater on, if you have anything running in your environment, a fan, a ventilator, Anything you are not going to notice that it would take an absolutely extremely quiet studio. And for reference, the Sennheiser 416 is 16. So it's only 3 DB, theoretically 3 DB noisier and it's just not noticeable in any normal environment. So There you go. sometimes it's about just the sound of the noise. because if the sound of the noise is smooth, even if it's louder, Yes. than like some actual like kind Or, well, I mean, yeah, the tone of the noise, of whatever the white noise [00:09:00] tone is, and it's not very clean. So, there you go. back on the OC818 now, but that's, um, that's the OC707. do like, just kind of put them in the same place and do a quick, like Sure. B. Sure, I will do that. So, we're on the OC818, and they're very much close in alignment right now, and then we will cross crossfade over to the OC707, so you can hear there's a difference in the mid range. end and definitely more high end Right. sure. forward, less warm, less low end, crossfade back to the Seven. uh, the, uh, now we're on the OC818. yes. So yeah, round. of like, absolute purity of tone, the OC818 wins hands down. But if you want to travel and have something super robust for road use that you don't have to worry so much about, and if you want to throw in a nightclub gig while you're out on the road, Bit of karaoke. this is, this is a good choice. All right. [00:10:00] Yeah. That's a very cool mic very It is a nice mic. I do. I think it's basically the same as this bike, And you're going to explain to us why Uh, because it's the same capsule and the head basket looks very similar, but not, I have a feeling this head basket's a little bit bigger probably this one has a little bit more, tighter polar pattern if anything, possibly, but that's hard to know. Um, to show the mic clip. capsule. Sorry. I forgot to show my, my clip. too, which they give you the proper thumbscrew to set the position and lock it so it doesn't move on you. yeah, Anyway, sorry. sorry. Robert. Um, but yeah, I I think it's similar head basket, same, capsule, probably very similar electronics that like it's whatever the headbasket does and whatever else they do to voice it slightly differently. I don't think it's even in the voicing as much as it is in the polar pattern. Cause this is a little bit more of an instrument mic. So I'd expect it to [00:11:00] have maybe a higher degree of, um, You know, like a tighter polar pattern, maybe if Mm hmm. it for drums and things on stage. Um, but really convenient. I mean, I, I sent you guys the unboxing video. So we needed to see that, but it is really convenient in the sense that, um, kind of works in this similar way that a, in an SM seven or other mics work on a boom arm, so it's kind of not in the way in the same way that other mics are on the boom, It kind of nicely, gets in the right spot and doesn't cloud your view of other things. And it has this little pivot to it, which is pretty convenient, the full range of motion is from straight ahead yeah, almost full range. It, when, when you try to go. like, it That's the limit. back up. uh, so it's, Right. that'll limit some positionings, Yeah. but it is like front and back. [00:12:00] Okay. I did honestly wish it wouldn't have, um, just ran into Collided to the body of the mic, Yeah. Yeah. But besides that, I mean, It's It sounds great. I, I, I like the voicing of it. whole line. Yeah, I, I, mm hmm. the, the dynamic version and George, I don't, I think I seen those files, but so here's a dynamic one, which really just looking at it, the only The main thing you notice a difference is just. The darker color. It's kind of an interesting dynamic mic because it gives you these, um, filters and pads, it's active. So a dynamic mic that needs phantom power, and it seems to, um, maybe make it easier on the mic preamp. Um, it hmm. I would say in there with other kind of uh, Hotter Dynamic mics in like the kind of 421 type range where they kind of border a little bit more on kind of sounding condenser ish. Here's your two samples. It's only 11. It's a short sample. Here we [00:13:00] go. Guess which is which. So the second one sounds like the dynamic. Mm hmm. Yeah. And, and, and, yeah, what are the switches on there again? Give me a, rundown of the controls. Yeah. and then a, Um, high pass, a 3 position high pass filter. Three position. Oh, cool. Yeah, off being one of them, but here, let me, let me get you the, hmm. I would say that it'd be 60 and 120 It's probably going to be the same as yours, Yeah. so, I was curious. a 60 or is it 80? 80 and 120 on the Oh, mm hmm. And then the uh, the pad is like I said, 10 DB, if it's a gradual slope, I had a, [00:14:00] at, um, at, um, cutters. We had my labs that had a 400 high pass filter, you 87 I think of 300 or something like that. They're very high. Yeah, but there it's a They're a long slope. super, super gradual. Yeah. it's gradual. Now, that's interesting. So, yeah, I'm wondering if the slopes are set differently on the, on that instrument mic versus the, the pencil mic, you know, it's, they're all using the same basic guts, just in different configurations, They're all in know, same capsule. you know, color pattern a little bit by the acoustics around it, maybe, electronics, that might change the noise. Mm the noise hmm. So, you know, Andrew's mic, I would say, it to also Probably because that basket is so open probably have a more wider, polar pattern, Maybe And little bit more open sound, I would think for what Andrew has, just because it doesn't have the pop filter I mean he does have that, He's a little foam ball on there, but on [00:15:00] it much, yeah. andrew, what's, what, what are your impressions of the, uh, of the, is it CC eight, right? yeah, the CC8, which you also have. I do. I have two. I, like them. you, uh I put this through its paces. Okay, that, that is one of the problems. I'll go to the, Let me He popped it on purpose. of the problems. Is He, no, he was making a point. Yeah, exactly. I was Wizard is never late. He always arrives when he means to, right? Yeah, that's right. That's right. I, I've put this through a lot of tests. I've compared it with the 41. 6. I put it up against the NTG5. Um, I've done It in the Tri booth. I've done it in the Porter booth. I've done it in my booth, used it everywhere. Um, I think Robert, actually, I sent a file to Robert, uh, last week and Robert's response was listening to the NTG5, the 41. 6 and the. CC8, that, the CC8 moves a bit closer to the 41. 6 than the NTG5, thought so. [00:16:00] I think it's, that's what I'm hearing as well. It didn't quite have that, has a little bit more truth in the mid range. It doesn't have that, like kind of. yeah, 416, like thing. that I know it's, like what people like, but it's also technically what makes it so real. exactly. But this one, if you look at the frequency response, it's actually, is, very flat. Yes. and it's got a couple of tiny bumps in the top end to give it a little bit of cut, but it's a very flat mic. I know from other people who have played around with this mic, it takes EQ beautifully. You can really thrash it and it won't let go. So that that's a really good thing and just shows the quality of the microphone. On the downside of the mic, As we've already heard, it does tend to pop, unfortunately, So you've got to be very, very, careful when you're using this thing that you don't sort of pop continually. Um, I wanted to try this because I just [00:17:00] like the form factor of it when you're traveling, that it could be a really good, mic to chuck in a bag use when you're on the road because it is. Small, it's pretty Speaking of road, who makes that shock mount you're using with the mic? Wow. Road, road. So it does, it does not come with any kind of shock mounting of its own. it No, it just comes with a normal mic clip, Right. Same, same, same one is probably, maybe, I think it's probably the same mic clip that I have. Right. probably, let Yeah. in my And so that's the, that's the trade off. Right. So mic clips are interesting because when you first get them and you're trying to put that mic in there, you're like, man, I don't want to snap this mic clip, But the plastic is really strong and it feels like you're putting a lot of pressure in, but not the easiest, like, those things are exactly smaller than the mics and you gotta like, well, the Sennheiser my clip was the same way. I remember the four 16 people. I would just think like, is this going to fit? But that's what, [00:18:00] that's why it doesn't fall out. Yeah. so really. that's what you get is the clip Yeah. and then the foaming that that's all that comes with So do you think if you were to travel with it, you would actually bother to bring along the bigger shock mount for it? Or would you just use the clip? I'll just use the clip? Yeah, because I'm not touching anything, nothing, True. fine. The only other downside was because of having one of these, because I'm trying to make the road case as small as possible, and Right. really attractive. Like if I get a, you know, the old NTG5, You can plug it straight in. in. World's most badass USB mic. Uh That's what you end up with. But this one is too big. it doesn't Okay. The chassis is too thick. Yeah, it's too uh huh. What you might be able to get is a, uh, what would you need? a, um, female to female or male to female, uh, adapter. Like a little Barrel. yeah. It's an extender. They call it a [00:19:00] barrel extender? Yeah, And I bet you that would get you plugged straight in there without a Yeah. would. yeah, Which is essentially the world's shortest mic cable. Off to Yes. what it is. Peters or you could just get your Dremel tool and start filing off and thinning out the back of that OC eight. worth it. Oh, so worth it. Yeah, that'll work. Making it a perm, a permanent attachment to the mic port pro and just like the, well, these work. together. That's the, I guess you could try to widen that channel in the mic port pro, which, which, which is going to be Andrew. I don't think he's going to machine the tail end of his mic. go neither. Yeah. Is you agreed. just pull it apart. Just solder it in, you know, Yeah, there you go. Like, there you go yeah, yeah. But anyway, I, I, I, I really like it. I think it's, um, me, the, the sound of it is, is really good. Um, of you on it, to be honest. I, It sounds great on that. sounds the way a small diaphragm condenser should sound, which is really clean, and really [00:20:00] articulate, and just dead, dead accurate, Yeah, lack of a better word. use like small diaphragm condensers like that on stage for opera singers, Mm hmm. In fact, that's an extremely common use case. You'll often see the ships where they have the little head Yeah. this very skinny long pole. Yeah. that goes down to a floor. stock is like 400. Yes. Yes, it is. expensive mic cable, technically. But yeah. they don't use, uh, they don't use you know when money is no object. They're not using large diaphragm mics. They're using I think the Beatles used up on, uh, the Yeah, on the let it be. Yeah. I Yes. the Beatles ones weren't they? they were using the AKGs. I'm sure. AKG version of that with the, Yeah, yeah, it was Well, you know, Austrian Audio is still a young company. They're not trying to, you know, they're there. You can tell that they're carefully rolling out iterations of the mics. You know, they could eventually make a remote capsule version of [00:21:00] this mic where the capsule is on a cable, you know, and it runs down a long cable and, you know, for extremely small, you know, when you're trying to get the capsule in really tight spaces, or if you want to mount it to a violin or the body of an instrument or whatever, you know, so there's a much more they could do. much about, their capsules and they're, and they're less about, you know, like, I, wonder if they would, I don't see them doing it, but like Would they do a tube mic? Mm hmm. I don't Who knows? in their in their thought process. Like, know, we're just trying to provide very They seem to be looking forward. need a tube for that. You Yeah, they seem to be kind of looking forward and not looking so much backward like traditional design. interested in color for the sake of color. Right. They're like you, you do your color, we'll give you truth. Which I dig that. Yeah. Maybe, Maybe, they will do a C12. Who knows? Who knows? Who knows? They got the [00:22:00] capsule. Robbo, did you get anything new yet? Or is this all about us today? Nah, I got a new toy too, but I mean, you've kind of seen it before, but I thought I'd unbox it anyway. Because it's All right. and this is literally, uh, can I say, this is literally an unboxing. I, I was spoiled. Firstly, can I say, hello to the Aster. Mm. Mm hello to the arsehole who stole my, um, my Hi X 65s while I was at my parents place looking after my mum. uh, they kindly replaced my, uh, my 65s hmm. and gave me a pair of. The 55s. Ooh. that inch in a quarter inch? sound Oh, do they? Okay Yeah, But what I, what they did give me was this, let's look at that. yes Now this, this. literally is an [00:23:00] unboxing, I have to say, because I haven't had a chance to get to it, but it up. And yeah, like you say, use it to tie your cables down and stuff. No, I think I threw that away. Yeah, What were you thinking? I don't know Oh, look in its own little road case and everything. How's that? yeah, yeah, You know when they're, you know when they, uh, they're, in a different price category, when they give you a case, a road case. yeah, Yeah, I know. It's very Mm hmm. um, so yeah, so look, this will probably, to be fair, this will probably be making the trip with me when I have to go into an agency client, who shall not be named, of mine, who doesn't believe in investing in microphones, so this will probably be handy because it will probably be coming with me. [00:24:00] Don't get it stolen from your car. Yeah, it won't be staying in my car by itself. Don't worry. Yeah, yeah, there we go. Certificate of quality. Can everyone oh look at that? yep. So that? was, uh, Oh, this year 30th of the 4th, not individually listened to and signed off. Yeah. And then polar pilot handbook sticker. there we yeah, that's cool Some drugs, cool. um, The cable that goes in the back of it for The The mystery magic weird cable. Yeah. Now, uh, uh, we were talking about these before, we started We didn't, we didn't like them, basically. made the point that it doesn't swivel, which Yes, I hadn't thought about having seen you guys using, yours, but you're right, the fact that it doesn't swivel, You can't, you can't do no, but you can't, You can't do this trick, right? can't rotate the mic in the basket, right? So if that's something you want to do, you [00:25:00] can't do it with that clip. I'm using ironically or interestingly, I'm using the original 414, yeah. 414 clip, yeah, is completely compatible, interestingly enough. So if you have one of those laying around, can use it. and, honestly, those, uh, Austrian audio clips are not cheap. No, I'm, I'm No. I think they're like a hundred bucks. yeah. But, um, a nice clip, it's just like, it doesn't let you rotate, and that's the Right. It's well made, it just, yeah, has that one lack of flexibility. So, I recommend You get the, Triad Orbit It makes a super awesome pivoting ball head mount. Okay. That makes it extremely easy to quickly rotate a mic. Well, it's a ball head, so really, any direction. Um, but, give you, I suppose, Do I, I sound any different, by the way? How do I You sound warmer, Robert. Do I I change my mic? Yeah. Uh in defense of Austrian audio, I think I know why that [00:26:00] shock mount is the way it is. Because if you look at the OC818 and look at the back where you've got, you you can either put a, you know, the Bluetooth dongle or the second Hang on. Here we go. Yes. If it was completely around, you wouldn't be able to put it in there. Cause I can't use the Rycote on the 818 for that Ah, you That is true. There is a little, Yeah. Okay. mind my goofy little pop screen, but there is a little opening in the back right here. that's, that's the reason Right there. give you that same mic clip for the 18 and the other, I was going to other, it to be able to rotate it, you do have, I mean, it's not a shock mount, but you do have option, I guess, yeah. it, Yes, absolutely. I mean, the bottom line is, that, that is Have we done a lot of tests of shockmount to not to shockmount or not to shockmount like in a context of voiceover? don't think there's almost any situation where you'd know if you're using the shockmount or not. Unless you bump into [00:27:00] something. a voice act, if you were voice acting and you were one of those um, and you, let me turn, get off that. If you're one of those people that sort of, you know, threw your hands around and did the whole, ah, you know, blah, blah, blah. And you accidentally. You know, I mean, yeah, okay, It's not Oh, yeah. but if you bumped it or kicked it with your toe or something, it might Yeah, I mean, even with a shock mount, if I bump the arm, Yeah. well, it's hitting the booth too, but yeah, if I bump the arm, you're definitely going to hear it even with a shock mount. So, Hmm. Yeah. but, um, it's nice that they give you, they give you the clip. You have. the option. You have the option. So I'm really excited about that. I'll, Oh man, are you kidding me? Austrian audio has hooked us up. I would like to say. Yeah. uh, firstly, I know they're sponsors and I know we've just scored all this, but firstly, awesome gear, seriously. my, I was, when my headphones were stolen from my car, was [00:28:00] devastated because I'd never used headphones to mix until they sent me those a while ago. And I've fallen in love with them like it was, Yeah. C monitor. I sort of, I mix on my main monitors and then mix down in the crappy little computer speaker that I use. And then I was putting the 65s on and, and they just become a part of my workflow. And when they went, I was devastated. So, um, So, so the fact that, uh, the fact that they've come back and by the way, if you're in Wyong, New South Wales, and some guy's trying to sell you a pair of Austrian audios in the pub, voodoo sound. com. au just drop me a line. Uh, my wife's uncle is actually a bikey. He's a hell's angel. So I'll Oh, he'll take care of you. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, Yeah. He'll get that for you. yeah, yeah. Yeah. I love it. with an Austrian audio mic, Yeah, the before And after interview. you very much. Hey, you know what? I totally forgot, Andrew. I forgot to [00:29:00] play your your CC eight test clip. Should I play that real quick? Oh yeah, Let's So this is, what is this, Five different, a few different takes strung together. There's uh, the first one is the NTG5, second one is the CC8, and the third one is the 41. 6. Oh, cool. Okay. So now we can hear it in context with two other venerable mics. Here we go. Oh, all in the Which booth? Your Steer Home booth. He can do the, same thing Got it. Here you go. Air Arabia City Checkin has landed at City Dagger in Dubai. Drop off bags and get your pass. Visit air arabia com for City Check Dagger in Dubai. Get your pass. Visit air arabia com for detail. Arabia's City Check-in has been at City Center Shi Duga in Dubai. Well, that was interesting because they [00:30:00] all did sound different. NTG5 was hyped. It definitely is Hyped What was the last one? What was the final one? 6. Wow, the, the NTG5 is like the 7506s of microphones. It's like, just like low end, high end, like You know, I, I guess they did that because they wanted to sound totally different from the NTG3. not that it doesn't sound nice, but it is not, it's, I don't think it's flat, No, no, it's not flat. The CC8 is the flat mic. This is this, this is flattest and one right here, right? Yeah, Yeah, that's, that's what a flat, proper, accurate microphone sounds like. the others are not that like, edgy kind of like lost some low end And it definitely had that edginess that yeah, It works on commercials i don't think you're doing your next album with it Let me hear something. you know it just has that like [00:31:00] little snarl to it that I, yeah, yeah, the like the 416. I I, no but no but you can see how it. would slice through a mix more than the other one like yeah, yeah, sure. But I guess, I mean, I, I, I, I, until I've got this sucker, I've been on the NTG5. maybe it's because I've got used to it, but I just listened to that then and went, wow, that's Right. Right. it's compared to the ntg5 it's very thin. Yeah, that's incredible. comcom I mean, I liked hearing the CC 8 in the, in the, in the, context of those two shotgun mics. Cause it just brings draws attention to the fact that those shotgun mics are not accurate. They're not flat. They have a very distinct tone and that tone can be a detriment or it can be exactly what the client wanted. So Yeah. can get lucky and a lot of people are used to that sound. I mean, we're programmed to hear that [00:32:00] 416, 416, um, on human voice. So we've gotten very used to that EQ curve, you know. Hmm. So we're just out of interest, out of the three mics in that shootout, Which one did you prefer? Which one did you find more pleasing? And which one do you think would be perfect for chucking in a road case and taking with you? well, I mean, I'm not mixing it so I could use any of them. Um, my, just straight out of the mic sound, which just sounds the most commercial ready to go on the air, probably the Road, is my opinion. I would agree. wow. I would agree. Can I just say, No. ago, I would have said 416 any day of the week, but I'm hearing that now, it's changed my mind. I think the road has a lot of low end that once you're done mixing, you're going to pitch it. And mean, you're going to cut that out anyway? Yeah. it though, in the first place. No, I know it's just the 416 gives you that just like [00:33:00] push the fader up and you're done kind of thing. Yeah. Yeah. mix and it's not really, when you isolate it, you're like, eugh. But if I take this it just like, Kind of pokes through and it's just does that thing that I think that's what people are going for because I don't think you can accuse the 416 of many things like it is not accurate and it is not pretty sounding Right. it just has this like, it's going to sit in a commercial sounding mix where you want that voice to be heard, going to get heard with less effort than the other mics, little, for you voiceover for you specifically, Andrew, I would go NTG5 for your shotgun. And I would say the 818 for your large diaphragm. They'd be my two picks. Okay. I've, I just want to do one last experiment with this microphone because I we know it's flat. But [00:34:00] if I hit the 4k button on the SSL, has given it more of a, uh, Crunch. Mm hmm. It is like instant 416. almost. Yeah, it's given it that top bump for sure. It's just emphasizing what is there and pulling it that's right. what I'm hearing. Yep. Yeah, interesting. that does something similar from, um, who does it slate digital Mm hmm. air, Mm hmm. you've talked about that one a lot. my. go to for that sort of thing. Absolutely. Just winding it in so it goes, if anyone cares, it goes, on the voice bus and it goes on the final mix bus For Oh, wow. That's where I use it. Mm say, I would say the the CC 8 is the most flexible. if it was a sound and you didn't know, like, you're going to do a hi hat or a voice or this or that, I yeah, CC 8's got the most natural soundstage more of a [00:35:00] desert island mic. Yeah. You could use that CC 8 on literally any instrument. And you'd be fine with Just a little EQ Just call me Human human voice included. I mean, Yep. yeah. yeah. Just gotta be very careful of plosives, Mm hmm discovered. Don't blow yourself up Indeed. I will try not to. Uh, well that winds up another one. Don't forget, Tribooth. They're our sponsor. T R I P A P 200 to get 200 off yours. Just like that one. [00:36:00] #AustrianAudioUnboxed #ProAudioSuite #MicMagic #StudioGearRevealed #VoiceoverTech #OnTheRoadAudio #StudioMicrophones #AudioEngineering #PodcastingGear #VoiceoverMicrophones #AudioGeek #SoundQualityMatters #UnboxingSession #TechTalks #AudioInnovation