THE SAVAGE NATION - En podkast av Michael Savage

Professor Savage embarks on a captivating lecture on the human condition, drawing inspiration from literature and poetry. He shares his personal experiences with discovering the works of Tennessee Williams and other literary legends, which helped him understand mortality and the importance of dignity. He centers on his connection to Williams' play "The Sweet Bird of Youth," exploring themes of loss, fear, and vulnerability. He recalls his college days when he was first exposed to poetry and classical literature. In discussing Williams, he relates it to the current topic of LGBT Pride events. Why have public displays of sexuality dominated the modern era? Moving to mortality, he contemplates the realities of aging and the departure of youth. Why is it vital to cultivate a life worth living outside the confines of youth? He shares personal stories of loss, including good friends who suffered untimely deaths as a result of heroin use. He cautions against drug use and explores the cultural shifts that have made substance abuse more common today. Join Savage in this thought provoking journey only available on the SAVAGE NATION! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit