THE SAVAGE NATION - En podkast av Michael Savage

Today's podcast ties together several related threads of our unraveling civilization. First, the problem of homeless encampments popping up in liberal cities all over America, some of them in embarrassingly public places (San Francisco City Hall, Venice Beach in LA, New York City's restaurant districts). Second, the presence of illegals who bring their brutal cultures with them when they overstay their visas. Third, the fact that we are increasingly a nation of soy boys, beta males and their female equivalents, in which no one comes to the aid of a woman being raped right in front of them. In the news this week, a homeless illegal from The Congo raped a woman in full public view. Bystanders took out their smart phones and started filming the event. What has happened to us? Savage reacts to these questions in a recent NewsMax interview, and reiterates a point he's been making for years: The homeless need to be housed in institutions where they can be helped, not left to fester in their own waste on our city streets. Also the closures of mental hospitals in California was NOT by Ronald Reagan as some mistakenly believe, but by his predecessor Edmund Brown. Ambulance chasing lawyers will sue anyone for any reason, if there's money to be made. So even a red-blooded male who wants to help will think twice about being sued by a shyster. The podcast concludes with an archival segment from 2020 on the homeless problem, together with a most interesting interview discussing the fact that China now controls our supply of medicines Learn more about your ad choices. Visit