THE SAVAGE NATION - En podkast av Michael Savage

Dr. Savage discusses the "The Enemy Within," who are trying to stop Trump at every turn from restoring America's Borders, Language, and Culture. Savage also reveals how the HHS spent millions under the guise of religious services when the money was being used to harbor illegal immigrants.    Entering the arena in a Cadillac, homeless man and reading the news, fighting in Iraq and rules of engagement, 7000 fans with American flags, either fight to win or bring troops home, Listening to a B-1 is the best sound, sick of Politicians who are scared to use the power we give them, Liberalism is a Mental Disorder, we are sitting here like Sheeple, American moms are the greatest, reading from Isaiah 13, God is a vengeful God, Police are the thin blue line, paying respect to those who have died to keep us safe, Savage Listeners are like the pebbles thrown in a calm pond, the enemy is training kids with guns while we play sports.

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