THE SAVAGE NATION - En podkast av Michael Savage

Death of faith in America has two meanings: “death of faith, here in America” and death of “faith in America”. Today’s podcast is about the first; will address the second another time. Modern churches getting ‘woke’, focusing on good works instead of belief and salvation. The 20th Century killed God: Darwin, Freud, Marx, Vatican II, secular humanism, and the Unitarian church. The 21st century brings new Gods: technology gurus & college indoctrination. Rich people bad, poor people good. Plus Savage’s own faith journey: glimpses of God in things seen and done. Christianity dying while Islam is growing. Travels in the South Pacific, spirituality of indigenous peoples. Jewish religion the hardest because so complicated. The Garden of Eden, can we attain it? God created one woman for one man. What was the land of nod? Faith connects us to the power of the universe. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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