THE SAVAGE NATION - En podkast av Michael Savage

In today's podcast Savage continues his COVID health discussion by taking up the topic of SLEEP: How it relates to overall health, how it affects covid outcomes, and how you can get more and better sleep. Sleep disruption harms the sympathetic nervous system, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands, and increases pro-inflammatory responses. Longterm it can lead to hyptertension, cardiovascular & weight issues, diabetes, and even colo-rectal cancer. A study of out China showed that sleep disruption before contracting covid increased hospitalization & mortality for those who later got covid. Savage offers advice on how to get better sleep, and points out that public health officials locking us up inside only made things worse. And this is because exposure to DAYLIGHT improves sleep by synchronizing the internal clock. Sunlight is needed for the body to create Vitamin D which is a key anti-inflammatory agent, and sunlight also has disinfectant properties. The podcast includes a great interview with renowned neurocscientist and sleep expert Dr. Kristen Willeumier. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit