THE SAVAGE NATION - En podkast av Michael Savage

Three years ago this month, Savage published a monumental work of historical scholarship and political insight, entitled "Stop Mass Hysteria". In it he described the many instances of mass hysteria in America's history, running from the Salem witch trials up to the present-day "Russia collusion" frenzy. In both instances the accused were innocent, but that didn't stop the citizens from becoming crazed and enraged. Savage explains how and why mass hysterias get started, what conditions lead to them and what their outcomes often are. In the case of Hitler's Germany, very dark indeed. In this podcast, on the eve of the book's third anniversary, Savage takes a look back and shows the many ways in which it was prescient, foreshadowing not just the outcome of Russia "colluuuuuusion" (Trump was innocent!) but also events that have transpired since then: Covid hysteria leading to severe abridgement of our civil liberties. The podcast includes a current interview with Joshua Klein of Breitbart, and an interview from 2018 with Jim Hoft of The Gateway Pundit. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit