THE SAVAGE NATION - En podkast av Michael Savage

Americans are asking "Who is running the show?" Clearly not Joe Biden. In today's podcast, Savage proves that it's none other than the most dangerous man in America: Bernie Sanders, who masquerades as a nice old guy from Brooklyn but actually a longstanding communist and antisemite who hates America. Sanders is behind AOC, Jayapal and other "front men" who pushed for a $6 trillion aid package. Savage reminds us that a brutal regime CAN happen here, and relates the story of a young Iranian locked up and tortured for two years, just for helping Israel find bomb-sniffing dogs. That man's family goes back 2500 years in Iran, and yet he was not immune. Is anyone immune? No, including the facile & pampered Anderson Cooper of CNN. Mao had the Red Guard; Pol Pot had the Khmer Rouge. Who will be the indoctrinated killers here? The 100s of 1000s of illegal immigrants Joe is letting in? We know that not one of them will write a musical piece of celestial beauty like Beethoven's 7th Symphony. These days Savage drives around with Beethoven on max volume. The podcast ends on an encouraging note. We must get back to basics! In 1787 Benjamin Franklin wrote that God had answered our prayers for peace and a new nation. Today, WE must rely on the religious and moral principles flowing from the old and new testaments, that guided Franklin and the other Founders. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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