The Jolly Boys’ Podcast - Only Fools & Horses - En podkast av Jolly Boys’Podcast - Only Fools & Horses


Ahoy there! Join us for a lockdown live episode special of 'It Never Rains' PLEASE NOTE - Due to lockdown, this episode was recorded using Microsoft Teams so the audio quality isn't as high as in previous episodes. "Trotters Independent Trading has been forced off the market, with the continuing downpour keeping most of Peckham indoors. While the Trotters are drowning their sorrows in The Nag's Head, Alex the travel agent mentions that business is slow and he cannot give holidays away at the moment. As a promotional gimmick, Del suggests offering an 80% discount on a holiday to the next customer in the shop – and who happens to walk by, but Derek Trotter. Having sold sunhats in the rain, Rodney has managed to earn some travel cash. During the whole holiday, Del and Rodney attempt to pursue women, with Del at one point pretending to be French, Grandad, however, cramps their style, especially when they bring two girls back to their apartment, only for the old man to scare them off with his dentures. Things get a bit more serious when Grandad is arrested. He is worried that the arrest is for an old incident during the Spanish Civil War 50 years earlier, but it turns out that he was arrested for jaywalking and is released without charge."

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