Ep. 8 Late Show - Danny Wolf 2
The Hollywood Interview - En podkast av Alex Simon

We are so sorry it has been so long since our last episode. Between COVID19 and societal strife it has been a rough year. The show must go on! We are back and have a full slate planned! Please support us by going to www.patreon.com/thehollywoodinterview and become a patron. With support we can get more episodes out faster and celebrate movies and the moviemakers. And you get SWAG! Enjoy the continuation of this deep dive into the state of cinema as Alex chats with producer/director Danny Wolf about films like The Irishman in a world of Marvel and Star Wars corporate franchise fare. Will DVDs and Bluerays disappear? Discussion about The Highwayman, Both Eyes Open, Parasite, Blade Runner and The Wild Bunch. Midnight Movies (Rocky Horror and Dolemite) and Horror. Look for "Time Warp" directed by Danny Wolf on VOD in Spring 2020. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1639665/?ref_=ttfc_fc_dr1 Graphics created by Ingram Design Studio www.ingramdesignstudio.com The Hollywood Interview is produced by Alex Simon for Wanderer Productions and Conal O'Herlihy for No One Else Media. Edited by Conal O'Herlihy.