Top 3 Mythos Media

The Good Friends of Jackson Elias - En podkast av Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward - Tirsdager

We’re back and we’re hearing the call of Cthulhu from some unusual places. Most of our consumption of Mythos media comes via the printed word. Sometimes, however, it seeps out from the page and infects other formats. Unless we commit to slapping an elder sign on the cover of every book, we had better learn to embrace this, or at least let its pseudopods embrace us. Main Topic: Top 3 Mythos Media This episode presents a discussion of some of our favourite Cthulhu Mythos media, in the form of films, songs, musicals and comics. Anything, really, as long as it’s not a novel, short story or RPG. Obviously, there’s going to be a bit of debate as we never agree on anything. We are joined in the scrum by Mike Mason, creative director for the Call of Cthulhu RPG. Thank you very much to cuppycup of the wonderful Ain’t Slayed Nobody podcast for his help in salvaging some damaged audio from this recording session! Once again, the pandemic means we recorded this episode remotely. We’re getting used to this. Links Things we mention in this episode include: * Night Gallery* “Professor Peabody’s Last Lecture”* The Twilight Zone* “The Return of the Sorcerer” by Clark Ashton Smith* “Cool Air” by HP Lovecraft* “Pickman’s Model” by HP Lovecraft* The Corridor (2010)* “Lovecraft in Brooklyn” by The Mountain Goats * “The Whisperer in Darkness” by HP Lovecraft* Heretic Pride by The Mountain Goats* Bletchley Park* Berlin Airlift* Return to Innsmouth (1999)* The Yellow Sign (2001)* The Two-Headed Serpent* Call of Tutu (2006) * The Void (2016)* Underwater (2020)* Midsommar (2019)* The Dunwich Horror (1970)* The Dunwich Horror Picture Show* Absentia (2011)* Oculus (2013)* Hush (2016)*

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