The Ghost of Listener Suggestions

The Good Friends of Jackson Elias - En podkast av Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward - Tirsdager

We’re back and we’re going through our mailbag again. It becomes a lot more manageable once we sift out the missives written in Aklo and other inhuman tongues. We’re not saying that what’s left is any less sanity-blasting, but at least we can read it aloud without imperilling the space-time continuum. Main Topic: The Ghost of Listener Suggestions Back in late 2022, we used Discord and Twitter to ask our listeners what kinds of things they’d like to hear us discuss. The response was overwhelming and we ended up with a massive list of possible topics. Although these suggestions were exceptional, there are a good number we’d struggle to turn into complete episodes. Rather than ignore these, we’ve decided to go through the replies and see what we can address succinctly. We started going through these suggestions in a few earlier episodes, but we barely scratched the surface. Here, we delve into several more topics, including Nope, UFO abductions in horror, recommendations of Mythos fiction, different modes of horror GMing, and what constitutes a cheap scare. Thank you to James Mullen, Abe Hughes, Victor and Ryan Finn for the topics we discuss in this episode. Please do let us know if you have any suggestions of your own. Links Things we mention in this episode include: * Listener Suggestions * Son of Listener Suggestions * Bride of Listener Suggestions * Good Friends on Twitter * Good Friends Discord * Nope (2022) * Get Out (2017) * Us (2019) * Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) * No One Will Save You (2023) * Fire in the Sky (1993) * Alien (1979) * The Fourth Kind (2009) * The Block Island Sound (2020) * Encounters on Netflix * John Was Trying to Contact Aliens (2020) * “The Star Brothers” by Brian Courtemanche * Cosmic horror

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