Special: PodUK 2019 with How We Roll

The Good Friends of Jackson Elias - En podkast av Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward - Tirsdager

We’re back with something a little different. For a start, when we say “we”, we mean Scott, who recently recorded this live game of Call of Cthulhu with the How We Roll podcast. Sadly, Matt and Paul were unable to join us. This is the first time we’ve put out an actual play recording as part of The Good Friends feed and we hope you like it! We are releasing this in conjunction with How We Roll and The Grognard Files. The game took place at PodUK 2019, in Birmingham, back at the start of February. This was the first dedicated podcasting convention to take place in the UK and it was rather wonderful. As well as Joe, Eoghan, Kuran and David from How We Roll, we were joined by Dirk the Dice from The Grognard Files podcast. None of us had ever gamed in front of a live audience before, so we didn’t quite know what to expect. This was all the more nerve-racking, as we were the only gaming-related podcast on the roster. Happily, our event went down well. A few non-gamers mentioned afterwards how much they’d enjoyed it, even if they weren’t entirely sure what we were doing. We played Leigh Carr’s excellent demo scenario, The Necropolis. This is a perfect game to play in a tight time slot. It involves a doomed archaeological dig in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings in 1924. The premise is simple enough that players can engage with it immediately. We recommend it highly to any Keepers looking to lure new Cthulhu players into our eerie little hobby. You can download it free of charge if you join The Cult of Chaos organised play programme. Thank you very much to everyone who came along to the recording and to the meet-and-greet afterwards, including the crew of the Flintlocks and Fireballs podcast. It was lovely to get to talk to so many of you. Let’s hope this all happens again next year!

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