Mythos Artefacts

The Good Friends of Jackson Elias - En podkast av Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward - Tirsdager

We’re back and we’re ransacking lost temples, mouldering tombs and forbidden ruins to bring you things man was not meant to know. Our searches have uncovered a number choice Mythos artefacts to share with you. Specifically, that number is three. As we discovered in issue one of The Blasphemous Tome, our previous Top Three countdowns have really been Top Nines. The premise has proved just as much of a lie as the Lovecraftian Word of the Week being weekly. Happily, the scarcity of Mythos artefacts has forced us to be honest this episode. There really are only three entries. We could have included tomes or the products of human mad science, but we decided to save those for future episodes. The items we have selected are all guaranteed 100% alien, eldritch and unwholesome. The ISO number for this certification proved to be a glyph that turned our eyes inside out and made everything taste of rubber. As cutting our choices threefold leaves us with more time, we spend of it some talking about what makes an artefact interesting, and how we might use them in our games. We had planned to create an artefact between us, but we ran out of time. We should have chosen a piece of Yithian technology that creates more of it. We have another installment of our not-so-new segment, Ask Jackson. I keep referring to it as new, and Paul has taken to correcting me. He is a year younger than me, and thus much better equipped to deal with change. This question comes from the Uncaring Cosmos, whose excellent blog about Lovecraftian horror gaming I promised to link to. And now I have. Oh, and there is singing in this episode. Oh dear God, the singing. Three more brave and generous souls have backed us on Patreon at the $5 level, so we are singing their praises. Well, we are making out voices do things that sound unlike normal human speech. That is as close as we can get.

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