
The Good Friends of Jackson Elias - En podkast av Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward - Tirsdager

We’re back and we’re building up our hoards. All this loot is nice and shiny but it’s not especially comfortable. We wonder how dragons can sleep on their treasure without putting their backs out. Maybe they use orthopaedic coins. Even then, they must spend half their waking hours prying gemstones from delicate crevices. Main Topic: Handling Loot This episode is a broad discussion of the role of finances in RPGs. Whether it’s ensuring your investigator has the funds to go globetrotting or deciding what kinds of treasures to include in your scenarios, we delve into it here. As usual, the main focus is on Call of Cthulhu, but we explore how other RPGs handle loot and finances as well. D&D players look at a hoard like this and see riches. Call of Cthulhu players too busy worrying what those green gems might hatch into… Links Things we mention in this episode include: * D&D* Call of Cthulhu subreddit* Grizzly Peaks Radio* The British Class System* Blades in the Dark* Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium* OSR* Deadlands* Powered by the Apocalypse* Vaesen * Kult* Unknown Armies* Old Scouser Roleplaying* Barbarians of Lemuria* Conan* “The Meat Trade” on Ain’t Slayed Nobody* World War Cthulhu: London* The Two-Headed Serpent* Mörk Borg* Mythos Tomes* Fallout: New Vegas News Scott and Paul on the HP Lovecraft Literary Podcast Our good friends at the HP Lovecraft Literary Podcast recently invited Paul and Scott to do story readings.

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