Late Night With the Devil

The Good Friends of Jackson Elias - En podkast av Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward - Tirsdager

We’re back and we’re dabbling with dark forces. If Late Night With the Devil has taught us anything, it’s that achieving fame and fortune is just a matter of striking the right bargains. Sure, that’s probably not the message the filmmakers intended, but it’s the one we’ve chosen to take. Now all we have to do is look around the woods for that sinister owl man and then hope we can explain podcasting to him. Main Topic: Late Night With the Devil Join us as we tune in our trusty old 14-inch TV set and stay up past our bedtime to watch Late Night With the Devil. This is a 2023 Australian horror film by the Cairnes brothers that perfectly captures the weirdness of both 1970s television and the era’s obsession with the occult. It’s also a rare horror film that all three of us enjoyed, albeit with some reservations. As ever, we pick through the film in detail, looking for possible inspiration for our games. Be warned that we will spoil the hell out of it. Links Things we mention in this episode include: * 100 Bloody Acres (2012) review * Scare Campaign (2016) * Ghostwatch (1992) * Horror mockumentaries * WNUF Halloween Special (2013) * Generative AI controversy surrounding Late Night With the Devil * 1970s occult revival * Bohemian Grove * Them: Adventures With Extremists by Jon Ronson * Alex Jones * Brain Blaze YouTube channel * Sweeps week * Victorian Spiritualism * James Randi * CSICOP * Identifying blood in vomit

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