How Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Happened (part 2)

The Good Friends of Jackson Elias - En podkast av Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward - Tirsdager

We’re back with the conclusion of our discussion about how Call of Cthulhu 7th edition came about. Once again, we’re joined by Mike Mason, line editor of Call of Cthulhu, who co-authored  7th edition along with our very own Paul Fricker. I’m saying “once again” like we met up again to continue the discussion, but this is really the continuation of the long chat that started in episode 78. We cut it in half because no one in their right mind wants to listen to us natter on for two and a half hours non-stop. And again, we should warn you that we recorded these episodes in May of 2015, when our recording equipment was more primitive. At this time, we believed that the printing of 7th edition was imminent, so please try not to judge too harshly if you hear us getting that wrong. Our decision to hold off releasing these episodes until the books were with backers has meant that they have been languishing on Paul’s computer for a year, and we’re happy to finally get the chance to release them. We’re even happier that the books are now in backers’ hands, and will soon be available for retail. We have a number of new Patreon backers to thank, but with these being old recordings, we shan’t be able to do so until next episode. On the bright side, we will be singing at least twice next time. There may even be percussion, if Paul can work out how to make use of our ill-advised experiments with dice-stuffed improvised maracas.

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