Cults part 1

The Good Friends of Jackson Elias - En podkast av Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward - Tirsdager

We’re back and we’re preparing for Ascension. All right, we’re not entirely sure what Ascension involves, but it certainly sounds exciting. Our glorious leader, the beacon of effulgent wisdom that he is, assures us that the flame of enlightenment awaits us all. We merely have to follow his instructions precisely and question nothing. We have faith that this can only lead to wonderful things. Um. Yes. Wonderful things. Now, where’s that smell of smoke coming from? Main Topic: Cults part 1 This is the first of a multi-episode look at cults in the real world and how (and even if) they relate to what we see in Call of Cthulhu. Over the course of this series, we will discuss what kind of person forms a cult, how cults recruit, how they indoctrinate their members and what kinds of things they might believe. This episode is largely taken up with trying to pin down what a cult is. Trying to do so proved contentious, especially as “cult” is such a loaded term. No organisation in the modern day would willingly call itself a cult, and some fight hard against the label. But why is it such a pejorative term? And are people right to be afraid of organisations they consider cults? Sometimes, absolutely, yes. Once again, the lockdown means we recorded this episode remotely. We hope that we’re getting the hang of making this sound all right. It’s far from the biggest problem current circumstances have presented, but it’s still a challenge. Links Things we mention in this episode include: * Religion in Call of Cthulhu * Cults podcast * Heaven’s Gate * Grounded With Louis Theroux * Soul Snatchers: The Mechanics of Cults by Jean-Marie Abgrall * Spying in Guru Land: Inside Britain’s Cults by William Shaw * Cargo cult * The Witch-Cult in Western Europe by Margaret Murray * Wild Wild Country * Peoples Temple * Anti-Cult Movement * Parliamentary Commission on Cults in France * Order of the Solar Temple * How Cults Work * Jackals * QAnon * The anti-vaccination movement

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