Character Development

The Good Friends of Jackson Elias - En podkast av Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward - Tirsdager

We’re back and we’re embarking upon a programme of self-improvement. According to this pamphlet we sent off for, we can build ourselves up into mightily thewed warriors by killing all these rats in the basement. OK, that technically only takes us to first level, but from there, the sky is the limit! We’re just a bit worried about that thing in the corner that looks like a football covered in eyes. Maybe if we kill some more rats, we’ll become tough enough to see it off. Main Topic: Character Development This episode is our typically idiosyncratic look at the subject of character development in RPGs. We look at different ways in which characters can change through play, from gathering XP by killing monsters to resolving their messy character arcs. Not every character improves over time, however, and we discuss our expectations, as well as how all this relates to fiction and real life. Sure you’ve made it to 20th level, but it’s taken a while. Have you checked your blood pressure lately? And let’s not even start on your prostate. Once again, the lockdown means we recorded this episode remotely. We hope that we’re getting the hang of making this sound all right. It’s far from the biggest problem current circumstances have presented, but it’s still a challenge. Links Things we mention in this episode include: * Bildungsroman * Exalted * D&D * Dungeon Crawl Classics * Sorcerer * Unknown Armies * Savage Worlds * The Joy of Failure * Hot War * Mythos Tomes * Hero Games (Champions, Fantasy Hero, etc.) * Kult: Divinity Lost * Monsterhearts * Primetime Adventures * Dogs in the Vineyard * Apocalypse World * The World of Darkness * Cold City * Conspiracy of Shadows *

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