Call of Cthulhu for Beginners

The Good Friends of Jackson Elias - En podkast av Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward - Tirsdager

We’re back at the beginning, where we started our grim journeys many years ago. Looking at our grey hair and wizened features, it’s difficult to imagine that we were ever young. Yet here were are, trying to remember what it was like to start playing Call of Cthulhu. This would be so much easier if we were able to literally cast our minds back through time. Does anyone have a number for the Yithians? Main Topic: Call of Cthulhu for Beginners Call of Cthulhu‘s position as one of the most popular tabletop RPGs means that it may be many people’s first game. Even if you have played something like Dungeons & Dragons before, Call of Cthulhu is different enough to warrant an introduction. So, after almost 150 episodes, we thought it was time to help people get into this Call of Cthulhu thing. Goal number 1: don’t let this chap eat you. We offer some tips on Call of Cthulhu for beginners, both players and Keepers of Arcane Lore. Hell, we even explain that “Keeper of Arcane Lore” is Call of Cthulhu‘s eccentric way of describing a game master or GM. We also suggest some books and other resources to help set you on your path into darkness. * The Call of Cthulhu quick-start rules* The Keeper Rulebook* Paul’s videos about the Call of Cthulhu rules* Seth Skorokowsy’s video overviews of Call of Cthulhu* A complete archive of HP Lovecraft’s stories** Call of Cthulhu communities on Reddit and Facebook* The Miskatonic University Podcast* How We Roll – an actual play podcast specialising in Call of Cthulhu Between us, we’ve been playing Call of Cthulhu for around 90 years. This makes it tricky to remember what it was like to be a beginner. Luckily, we had some help for this episode. Lucy Fricker, Paul’s wife, recently ran her first game, so we asked her how she prepared her move to the other side of the GM’s screen.  Although, sadly, that does mean not being able to see the artwork on the front of the screen. And speaking of guests, we have a short interview with Mike Mason, line editor for Call of Cthulhu. Mike offers us some insight into the new Call of Cthulhu Starter Set. This is a new boxed set designed to ease fledgling Keepers into running the game. News

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