GeekDad HipTrax #76

The GeekDads - En podkast av The GeekDads

Before I make a beeline to central Florida (and the annual Nerdapalooza festival), allow me the pleasure of kicking some new tunes your way. This edition of HipTrax presents a trio of groove-heavy, danceable, instantly lovable cuts from three of our favorite purveyors of fine, geeky music. Behold: "Super Powered Love" by Kirby Krackle Kirby Krackle's newest full-length Super Powered Love drops on the 19th of this month. Boasting 13 tracks and another fine cover image from Jim Mahfood, it's definitely something to look forward to. In the meantime, you can cop this title single for 99 cents from your vendor of choice. "The NiGHT Has Just Begun… (Under Construction)" by ProtoDome The always amazing fan community at OverClocked ReMix has just released their 26th VGM tribute album. Tackling the highly evocative Sega Saturn classic NiGHTS Into Dreams…, the NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming collection is 27 songs strong and freely downloadable. "Don't Wear Those Shoes" as covered by MC Frontalot While I know you don't need any help spending your money, I'd like to make a couple of suggestions. Suggestion the first: donate to MC Frontalot's Kickstarter campaign to finance his nerdy videos. Suggestion the second: download Twenty-Six and a Half (A Tribute to "Weird Al" Yankovic), as it is freakin' awesome.

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