194. Special Edition! The Story Behind TFR & New Stack Ventures (John Gannon interviews Nick Moran)
The Full Ratchet (TFR): Venture Capital and Startup Investing Demystified - En podkast av Nick Moran | Angel Investor | Startup Advisor | Venture Capitalist

John Gannon of Going VC interviews Nick to discuss The Story Behind TFR & New Stack Ventures. In this episode, we cover: How did you get Brad Feld on early on? How did you stay true to your vision when you were getting asked early on by entrepreneurs to feature them on the podcast? (you mentioned this in episode 10, w/Brad Feld) If you were starting TFR again, in 2019, what would you do differently? Why the podcast format vs blogging vs. ... ? When did you know that the podcast was "working" ... bringing deal flow or whatever you thought was a strong signal that things were clicking for your audience? What surprised you once the podcast got "big"? Anything unexpected on the positive or negative side? How did the podcast tie into your recent fundraising process? Where did it help, and did it hurt or cause any issues, too? How did the podcast tie into your recent fundraising process? Where did it help, and did it hurt or cause any issues, too? Do you measure deal flow that is podcast related, and how much of your deal flow is it? How many completed investments came from the TFR community? I have heard from multiple Angel List employees re: Angel List syndicates that it's very hard to get people to back a deal unless the deal has a lead like Sequoia or KPCB or another top firm attached to it. Has that been true for your syndications? If no, why? What benefits did you see by using Angel List syndicates platform so early on? For those thinking of starting up a syndicate now, how has the game changed? How do you find and vet interns for your fund? Or how do they find you? Are there any processes at your fund that you think work REALLY well, and what are they? How do you execute them? Since we're both Dads: Other than having less time now that you have a child, have there been new tactics you've applied to the podcast, the firm, etc to help you get more leverage at work and free up time for home life? To listen more, please visit http://fullratchet.net/podcast-episodes/ for all of our other episodes. Also, follow us on twitter @TheFullRatchet for updates and more information.