IPv6 Buzz 053: Applications And IPv6

The Full Feed - All of the Packet Pushers Podcasts


In this week’s episode, Scott and Tom discuss applications and IPv6 with Dan York. We also talk to Dan about his role at the Internet Society and pro-IPv6 ISOC programs such as Deploy360 and Open Standards Everywhere.
Dan is the Director of Web Strategy at the Internet Society and the author of “Migrating Applications to IPv6: Make Sure IPv6 Doesn’t Break Your Applications,” originally published by O’Reilly Media.
Topics include:

* The current state of application support for IPv6
* What enterprise users most need to know about how IPv6 applications behave (or don’t)
* Dan’s role at the Internet Society and how programs like Deploy 360 and the Open Standards Everywhere project help drive IPv6 adoption

Thanks for listening!
Tech Bytes: Apstra
Stay tuned after the IPv6 podcast for a sponsored Tech Bytes conversation with Apstra on using Intent-Based Networking to solve common network issues.
Show Links:
Dan York on LinkedIn
Migrating Applications to IPv6: Make Sure IPv6 Doesn’t Break Your Applications 1st Edition – O’Reilly Media, Inc.
World IPv6 Launch – IPv6 Measurements
Internet Society
Internet Society Deploy360 Programme
Open Standards Everywhere – Internet Society
Test Your Website for Open Standards – Internet.nl
Your Hosts:

* Tom Coffeen @ipv6tom
* Scott Hogg @scotthogg

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