Day Two Cloud 051: Building And Running A Cloud User Group

The Full Feed - All of the Packet Pushers Podcasts


On Day Two Cloud we talk about how to start and participate in a cloud user group. We talk about logistics, money, sponsors, a venue–in other words, the nuts and bolts of running and engaging with a cloud community.
Our guest is Chris Williams, a multi-cloud consultant at WWT. Chris is an AWS Community Hero and has participated in vBrownBag and VTUG.
We discuss:

* Reasons to get involved in a tech community or user group
* Staring your own group
* Sharing the load of running a community
* Tips on tools and raising money
* Identifying the best meeting time and venue
* More

See what’s out there, then jump into a group that’s interesting. Talk to the leaders. Get a feel for the water.
Show Links: – Chris Williams’ blog
@mistwire – Chris Williams on Twitter
AWS Community Heroes

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