Day Two Cloud 174: Building Kubernetes Clusters

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On today’s Day Two Cloud podcast we walk through how to build a Kubernetes cluster to support a container-based application. We cover issues such as what constitutes a minimum viable cluster, rolling your own vs. Kubernetes-as-a-service, managing multiple clusters, pros and cons of bare metal vs. running clusters in VMs, design recommendations and gotchas using a cloud service, and more. Our guest is Michael Levan, an infrastructure engineer, consultant, content creator, and Pluralsight author. Michael is also the host of Kubernetes Unpacked, a new podcast in the Packet Pushers network. Sponsor: Dell Livestream Join the Packet Pushers and sponsor Dell Technologies on December 13th for a Livestream event on DPUs and the future of distributed infrastructure. We’ll have six short, informative sessions on topics including what network engineers need to know about DPUs, accelerating distributed workloads on DPUs, how VMware’s Project Monterey will affect infrastructure, and more. Sign up for this live, free event at Show Links: Kubernetes Unpacked – Packet Pushers @TheNJDevOpsGuy – Michael Levan on Twitter Michael Levan on LinkedIn Kubernetes For Network Engineers – YouTube Service Mesh And Ingress For Kubernetes – YouTube – Michael’s blog posts Transcript: [00:00:01.210] – Ethan Join the Packet Pushes on December 13 for a live stream event on the future of DPUs and infrastructure. Sponsored by Dell Technologies, we’ll talk about how DPUs accelerate workloads, what network engineers need to know about DPUs, operational business benefits, and more. Sign up now for this free livestream at Packet Slash Livestream team. [00:00:28.990] – Ethan Welcome to day two. Cloud. We got part one of a two part series on deploying Kubernetes for you. Our guest today is Michael Levan. He’s a leader in Kubernetes and containerization. You can find out all about him on Michael Levon net. And in this conversation, we go we had a long conversation about the building of clusters, and it felt like we just scratched the surface. [00:00:53.320] – Ned Oh, absolutely. And there’s probably there’s a reason that there’s a whole other podcast on the Packet Pushes network dedicated to Kubernetes is because this is a broad and wide topic, but we tried to do just a general overview of what goes into building a cluster both on premises and in the cloud because they are slightly different. [00:01:12.110] – Ethan They are slightly different. And enjoy the wisdom of Michael Levan as he explains it to you. Michael Levan, welcome to the show. And I think this might be your first time on Day Two Cloud, so would you tell the nice people listening who you are and what you do? [00:01:26.310] – Michael Absolutely. Yeah. So I do everything in the Kubernetes and Containerization space right now. And with that space, you get into TerraForm and CI CD and all the different ...

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