Ridley Scott's 'Alien' | Patreon #8
The Extra Credits - En podkast av Kelsi and Trey
We finally discuss Trey's favorite movie of all time, Ridley Scott's Alien. This 1979 masterpiece is a claustrophobic, dreadful nightmare in space with an oddly convincing advertisement for labor unions and enough sexual symbolism to write a PhD thesis in gender and sexuality. And, oh yeah, it also subverts and revolutionizes the science fiction and horror genre, no big deal! Become a member of The Extra Credits+ on Patreon here Patreon link: https://patreon.com/TheExtraCredits?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link Send requests, questions, and thoughts to our email: [email protected] Letterboxd: The Extra Credits Instagram: @theextracredits Twitter: @theextracredits Tik Tok: The Extra Credits