The Doctor Who Show S02 E09 - Who is Nu-Who's Beryl Reid?
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Hello! We know some of you have been itching to hear the episode where we discuss Nu-Who's Beryl Reid... and here it is! In addition to that we discuss all the big Doctor Who news stories for the month of September and, of course, read your emails & have some fun along the way. Today’s episode covers: CLASSIC WHO: Big Finish is creating a series of First Doctor adventures where David Bradley will take the lead. How does this sit with Dave, who rates the First Doctor as 'his' Doctor? What do Adam Lambert and Queen have to do with it and how do the guys feel about Big Finish in general at the present time and where its all going? NU-WHO: After they left Doctor Who, Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman both took on roles in Royal dramas, specifically, The Crown on Netflix and Victoria on ITV. Victoria's ratings have recently plunged. What's behind it all? NU-WHO: Bradley Walsh. A month on from last episode, the guys still don't know if he'll be Jodie Whittaker's companion, or at least have a part in the new series. NU-WHO: The 2017 Christmas Special synopsis has leaked in a peculiar manner... but nothing fans didn't already know, so the way it was yanked offline again was amusing. NU-WHO: According to 'Now We Are 600', Harriet Jones didn't die. Rob has a bit of a rant on this revelation pulling the rug on what everyone believed was an on-screen death. Dave ponders why people can't leave things alone. CLASSIC WHO: Dave's been on a personal mission this past month to watch a collection of 'lowly-regarded six parters' from the Classic Era. These include: The Seeds of Death, The Mutants, The Sensorites and The Time Monster. How did they hold up during this Classic Era bender? CLASSIC WHO: Rob, meanwhile, zipped through The Android Invasion recently, for the first time in 20 years or more. He gives a few thoughts on watching this less remembered story from an otherwise absolutely classic Season 13. CLASSIC WHO: Dave ponders what would have happened in Classic Era stories if the Doctor hadn't turned up. He comments on Masque of Mandragora, The Seeds of Doom, and City of Death, but can you think of more? Write in today! NU-WHO: Who is Nu-Who's Beryl Reid? More specifically, what are examples of stunt casting (bad) or celebrity casting (good), since the series returned in 2005? Dave and Rob bring examples of each, as well as thoughts from our listeners. Do you agree? Let us know what you think of what's covered in this feature for next ep's mailbag. FINALLY: Emails from Christopher Bryant and Mike Solko relating to our recent Buffy episode. Did they enjoy it? And Ezra Penny chimes in on the topic of episodes that are generally slated by fans but which he really enjoys. Dave also comments on it being launch season for US television, with particular comments on The Orville. Thanks everyone, as always, for listening. We greatly appreciate your ears, your emails and your tweets and, if you really want to make our day, why not leave us an iTunes review sometime? It really helps us get noticed. See you in October for both our monthly show where we'll be looking at the Peter Davison era of Doctor Who. EMAIL US – [email protected]