Ep. 32 - A Tale of Two Metal Heads, with Jay Henehan
The Deep Share Podcast - En podkast av realdeepBRO Productions

On this episode of the Deep Share, I had a great chat with fellow podcaster, host of How to Kill a Sacred Cow, Jay Henehan. Jay's a metal head like I am, and since this was our first face to face conversation, we ended up getting to know each other, just shooting the the breeze about our perspectives on conspiracy theories, talking about the music that influenced us and how it all ties into the paths we've taken. Jay is a genuine dude with a great mind and I really enjoyed our conversation. We'll certainly be going deep on some finer points in the future for sure. Enjoy! How to Kill a Sacred Cow: http://howtokillasacredcow.com https://open.spotify.com/show/5ROU24MHKm4Qr3TDYEjLwZ https://twitter.com/HowSacred https://www.instagram.com/howtokillasacredcow/ Thanks for checking out this episode of The Deep Share Podcast PLEASE FOLLOW AND SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE! Visit The Deep Share Official Site: http://www.thedeepshare.com Help support The Deep Share: https://app.redcircle.com/shows/df9fe83b-678c-4a21-8aad-ce78e59c75f2/donations https://thedeepshare.com/donate/ Social Media: http://twitter.com/theDeepShare http://instagram.com/thedeepsharepodcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ5PCeJDenZtUlc0pAJuFsA https://odysee.com/@Thedeepsharepodcast:a Want to be a guest on The Deep Share? [email protected] SUPPORT ALT MEDIA UNITED!!! http://altmediaunited.com/ Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/thedeepsharepodcast/exclusive-content Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy