3/10/23: Biden proposing new taxes, disinfo keeps spreading
The David Pakman Show - En podkast av David Pakman

-- On the Show: -- President Joe Biden will propose a new 25% tax on billionaires, raising the top tax bracket from 37% to 39.6%, and raising the Medicare tax from 3.8% to 5% on income exceeding $400,000 -- Former Republican Senate candidate Lauren Witzke appears on Fox News and says that being near a person vaccinated against COVID-19 made her sick, which is impossible -- Fox News guest Stacy Washington says that the lack of bibles in hotel rooms is responsible for increased "lawlessness" -- Caller talks about the mayor of College Park, Maryland getting arrested for child porn -- Caller discusses Republicans no longer running on policy matters -- Caller asks about moving out of a red state -- Caller wonders if Republicans will riot if Donald Trump gets indicted -- Caller questions whether the Republican Party will collapse if it keeps being so extreme -- Caller wonders why people don't blame Trump for inflation -- Caller asks if it will be easier for Democrats to defeat Trump or DeSantis -- The Friday Feedback segment where David responds to viewer emails and social media messages 👕 Leisure of NYC: Use code PAKMAN for 15% off at https://davidpakman.com/nyc 🥄 Use code PAKMAN for $5 off Magic Spoon at https://magicspoon.com/pakman ⚠️ Use code PAKMAN for a free supply of BlueChew at https://go.bluechew.com/david-pakman 🍷 Crunchy Red Fruit: Code PAKMAN saves you $20 at https://crunchyredfruit.com -- On the Bonus Show: The Friday Bonus Show with Producer Pat -- Become a Supporter: http://www.davidpakman.com/membership -- Subscribe on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/thedavidpakmanshow -- Subscribe to Pakman Live: https://www.youtube.com/pakmanlive -- Subscribe to Pakman Finance: https://www.youtube.com/pakmanfinance -- Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/davidpakmanshow -- Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/davidpakmanshow -- Leave us a message at The David Pakman Show Voicemail Line (219)-2DAVIDP