Joker, masculinity and angry, lonely fools
The Bigger Picture, presented by The British Film Institute - En podkast av British Film Institute

Joker, Todd Phillips's gunky take on DC Comic's supervillain, gives us the origins story of a lonely guy with mental health issues who finds himself through violence. Anna, Hen and Pete talk about the films great debt to Taxi Driver and The King of Comedy, examine what the film adds to the character's lore and wonder if asking us to pity the fool was the best strategy. Plus, Hen recommend a documentary on the civil rights activist and archivist, no ... hoarder ... no, archivist ... no, hoarder Marion Stokes and Anna heads back to her favourite streaming service for Unbelievable, a police procedural centred on the pursuit of a serial rapist. The Bigger Picture, presented by the BFI, is ... BFI Digital editor Henry Barnes Anna Bogutskaya, Dice's Head of Arts and Culture and producer Peter Sale For information regarding your data privacy, visit