Snoopy: Gen Z's Animated Antidepressant

The Afternoon Special - En podkast av Bobbi Miller | QCODE

The days are getting shorter. The wind is getting a biting chill to it. Life can start feeling bleak around the holiday season and being frank, I know Seasonal Affective Disorder is kicking major ass right now.  In this dark hour, we need a hero. A hero to save us all. And who know that hero would come in a little black and white mute beagle with the alias Joe Cool, or more commonly known as Snoopy. If you’ve been on any social media site, there’s been a bit of a uptick in Snoopy related content of all kinds. Merch hauls, edits, literally anything with Snoopy at the center of it.  With most of us watching A Charlie Brown Christmas in the next week, I thought we’d take a deep dive into Snoopy, the world of Peanuts, and get to the core of what makes them effective depression ward offs.  ~~ Follow the show on  Instagram: @theafternoonspecial Tik Tok: @theafternoonspecial Twitter: @hiimbobbi Email the show at [email protected] ~~ Afternoon Special is brought to you by QCODE.  To advertise on the show, contact us! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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