The Lost City of Z (2016) - Screenplay by James Gray - Writing a Movie - Review
The 21st Rewrite - En podkast av W. H. A. Coldwell
‘The Lost City of Z’ is a screenplay about the now little-known British explorer Percy Fawcett, who led a remarkable life, searching the Amazon rainforest for the ruins of the lost city at a time when most who ventured into the jungle never returned alive. But the screenplay covers so much more than that, and is primarily concerned with the monumental changes that occurred in the concepts of ‘culture’ and ‘civilization’ in the early years of the last century, as well as the impact a life like Fawcett’s can have on the family back home. We discuss the important themes that the screenplay addresses, and our personal experiences that shape our view of the story. *** Want to comment, get news and join episode discussions? Join the community on Syncify: Instagram: @the21strewrite. Website contact page: