The Lighthouse (2019) - Screenplay by Robert & Max Eggers - Writing a Movie - Review
The 21st Rewrite - En podkast av W. H. A. Coldwell
Young and Old, black and white, good and evil, truth and fiction: ‘The Lighthouse’ is full of binaries. On a remote island in the 1890s, two wickies arrive to tend the lighthouse, and find themselves assaulted by fog, waves, storms, rogue seagulls and the onset of madness. William sits down with Alan to discuss this brilliant screenplay written by the brothers Robert and Max Eggers, paying particular attention in this episode to the symbolism and literary themes. We encourage you to download and read the screenplay while it remains available. Disclaimer: This is a link to the production company A24’s website where they have chosen to make it available for fans to read. We are not hosting the screenplay and no copyright infringement is intended. *** Want to comment, get news and join episode discussions? Join the community on Syncify: Instagram: @the21strewrite. Website contact page: