Episode 21 - The Seas of Madness
The 20-Sided Theatre - En podkast av The 20-Sided Theatre

Wherein our Task Force runs afoul of some powerful locals and receives a new name. Visit us at 20sidedtheatre.com. Maybe even hit the "donate" link, if you have some spare coppers. Follow us on Twitter through @20SidedTheatre, @IllustriousRho, @ShenoudaNecroCo, @Thrimlach, and @LadyFeatherfoot. Email us at [email protected]. This episode contains music composed and performed by Ben Briggs, Blackula Hunter, DEgITx, Patashu, Silverman Sound Studios, Space Rake (Космические Грабли), Steven O’Brien, and VCMG. Visit the show notes at http://twentysidedtheatre.com/podcasts/21 for a full list of and links to all the music and sound effects you heard in this episode. Thank you for listening!