Ep 129 | D&C 133-134, Come Follow Me (November 15-21)

Talking Scripture - En podkast av Mike Day & Bryce Dunford - Onsdager

Show Notes Enroll in Institute Timestamps: 00:31 – Section 133 was intended to be an appendix to the Doctrine and Covenants. 00:55 – The role of government is to maintain a balance between rights and responsibilities. 07:01 – Section 133 is a companion to Section 1. Prophecies in the Bible will be fulfilled as the Latter-day Saints gather the House of Israel. 17:37 – Temple imagery in D&C 133 and its connection to Isaiah 52 and Moroni 10. 26:57 – Rising from the dust as a symbol of enthronement and heavenly kingship. 28:11 – Moroni’s appendix parallels many of the ideas in D&C 133 and Isaiah 52. 31:19 – Come out of “digital” Babylon and build Zion. 32:50 – Literal and symbolic interpretations of the divided land becoming one again. 36:19 – The members of the Godhead are separate beings, but perfectly united in purpose. 41:17 – The Millennial possibility of a pure, unified language and people. 42:24 – Symbols of cosmic conflict in section 133: Mount Zion, the Great Deep, and North Countries. Rival religions at the time of Israel had images that were also associated with these ideas. 51:45 – Loving kindness or ḥeseḏ means a very deep feeling of love. 54:21 – The parable of the ten virgins. They that are wise have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide. 56:13 – John prophesied that an angel would fly through the midst of heaven with the everlasting gospel. 58:11 – The 144,000 have priesthood authority and represent all the tribes of Israel. 1:00:14 – The symbolism and significance of the Savior’s red garments. 1:07:44 – Elder Holland’s statement regarding previous dispensations and how their hope rested on us. Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Google Podcasts Listen on Audible Listen on Facebook Listen on Stitcher Listen On Spotify Listen on YouTube

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