Ep 122 | D&C 109-110, Come Follow Me (September 27-October 3)

Talking Scripture - En podkast av Mike Day & Bryce Dunford - Onsdager

Show Notes: https://www.ldsscriptureteachings.org/2021/09/16261/ Timestamps: 01:19 – A brief history of many noteworthy events leading up to the dedication of the Kirtland Temple. 03:29 – Washings and anointings are introduced to a core group of Saints in Kirtland. 09:14 – Edward Partridge and Joseph Smith are reconciled and share in visionary experiences. 11:40 – The construction of the temple came with great personal sacrifice and tribulation. Did the Saints use their best china in the plaster? 14:31 – The dedicatory prayer of the Kirtland Temple reveals some of the purposes and blessings of temples. 15:48 – Temples connect heaven and earth, the focal point where God manifests holiness to his children. We can take our challenges to the temple and partner with God in resolving them. 23:54 – Temples are a house of God, where he dwells and communes with mankind. Feeling His divine presence is a reminder of our heavenly home. 29:43 – A closer look as to why Sidney Rigdon reads Psalm 96 and 24 at the dedication and how they relate to ancient ideas about temples. 36:48 – The temple is a place of instruction and learning. 46:44 – The temple is a house of protection. 49:02 – The dedicatory prayer ends by Joseph taking his problems to the Lord. He prays for his enemies, the nations of the earth, the redemption of Jerusalem, and for leaders of the church. 53:52 – An outline of the eventful week after the dedication. 56:23 – Four significant heavenly beings come to the temple and bring keys to gather Israel and seal families: The Savior, Moses, Elias, and Elijah. 1:04:05 – The coming of Elijah during passover week was a prophecy thousands of years in the making. Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Google Podcasts Listen on Audible Listen on Facebook Listen on Stitcher Listen On Spotify Listen on YouTube

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