Unlocking the power of prayer - living a supernatural prayer life - TOG EP 121

Tales of Glory - En podkast av Michael Norton

Discover profound ways to weaponize scripture in your daily prayer life as we learn from spiritual warfare and dead-raising veteran Bishop Rodwell McLean. Bishop Rod shares his battle-hardened wisdom and thoughtful insight on developing a powerful prayer life drawn from his experience expelling demons, healing the sick, and dead-raising. Learn how to draw strength from the Lord and His promises in the scriptures. Timeline: 00:00:00 Opening Scripture Hosea 4 v1-6 00:00:59 Introduction 00:06:34 Greet Bishop Rodwell 00:09:40 Opening conversation about a the importance of prayer 00:13:47 Why doesn't the body of Christ see the kind of results that are written in the Bible? 00:16:20 Hosea 4 v1-6 We are destroyed because we have no knowledge of God 00:23:09 Jeremiah 6 v16-19 God is calling His bride back to the path of the Ancient of Days 00:24:34 Jeremiah 6 v17 The Church will not listen 00:26:25 Joel 1 v14-19 sanctify and call a fast - Cry unto the Lord 00:28:00 The power of sacrifice (fast/denying the flesh) 00:29:20 Moving in power and authority to expel demons 00:31:00 Spiritual warfare with demons 00:33:42 Joel 2 v12-14 return to God with all your heart 00:36:22 Ezra 8 v 23 fasting and going to the Spirit of God where He will hear us 00:37:09 Prayer invites God - divine subpoena to step into the affairs of men 00:38:26 Dead raising testimony and the power of prayer 00:44:15 Standing on faith and scriptures of promising healing and life 00:46:38 Eternity is always in the NOW - God is the Alpha and the Omega 00:47:18 Dead raised man's description of what he experienced in heaven 00:53:28 Dead raising the Church secretary - she walks out of the morgue 00:56:50 Powerful prayer life will bring you results - power of the resurrection 00:59:42 Luke 1:44-45 God will perform the things He said 01:01:29 Hosea 13:14 God will ransom them from the grave! Dead raising promise 01:03:26 Zechariah 2:5 God will be the wall of fire around you and the glory inside 01:04:10 Considerations on dead raising - what if life was stolen through death? 01:05:20 Theology on expelling demons - where do we send them? Dry places 01:09:23 Conclusion 🎙📝 SHOW NOTES 📝🎙 Unlocking the power of prayer - living a supernatural prayer life - TOG EP 121 #TalesOfGlory #M16Ministries #AFieldGuideToSpiritualWarfare Michael’s website: https://www.afg2sw.com 📚 To purchase Michael’s books: 📖 Cosmology and Demonology in Genesis 1-11 📖 A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare 📖 A Field Guide to Advanced Spiritual Warfare

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