142: Comments. Focus On Why.

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Comments are important but don’t forget that your code should also be self-commenting. If I had to sum this episode into a single sentence, I’d have to say that comments should explain why some code is not obvious. And this is after you’ve done everything you can to make the code obvious in the first place. If you find yourself writing a method called getName and then adding a comment that says, “This method returns the name,” then your really might want to reconsider the need for that comment. And going the other way, if you find yourself writing a method called performWork and then adding a comment that says, “This method calculates the average value of the input stream of numbers,” then you might want to just rename the method to calculateAverageValue instead. In both of these examples, instead of either making the comment redundant or relying on the comment to explain what the method really does, it’s much better to just let the code document itself. Choose descriptive names for your methods, class names, and variable names. When you’re designing software, one guideline that will help you keep your design understandable is to limit the scope of what a class or method does. If you’re having trouble coming up with a method name and the best you can think of is performWork, then maybe that’s because the method is trying to do too much. It’s a clue that if you’re thinking about something as just a mass of work, then it could probably be divided into smaller and more descriptive methods. And if you do try to use descriptive names and find yourself with a method called readDataAndCalculateAverageCheckWinningMove, then it should be obvious that method is trying to do too much. Listen to the full episode for more including a couple common mistakes that developers sometimes make with comments. You can also read the full transcript of the episode below. Transcript “Blank line added for readability” I still remember that comment from an old issue of the Microsoft Systems Journal magazine. That was back before it was renamed to MSDN. It was a funny article I think from an editor about how people can go too far with comments. If I had to sum this episode into a single sentence, I’d have to say that comments should explain why some code is not obvious. And this is after you’ve done everything you can to make the code obvious in the first place. I’m not saying that you should never use comments, far from it. Because there will definitely be places in your code where, for example, you could have used any of several different designs. Adding a comment that explains why you chose a particular design is great. I’ve worked for companies before that insisted that every method needed a whole block of comments to document the method name, it’s purpose, each parameter type and meaning, the return value type and meaning, any exceptions, related methods, and all done so in a way that documentation could be printed. I’m not a big fan of using comments for this. Unless there’s a valid reason. Had the code been for a library that other developers would be using and the documentation turned into an online resource, then maybe. But that wasn’t the case. If you find yourself writing a method called getName and then adding a comment that says, “This method returns the name.”, then your really might want to reconsider the need for that comment. And going the other way, if you find yourself writing a method called performWork and then adding a comment that says, “This method calculates the average value of the input stream of numbers.”, then you might want to just rename the method to calculateAverageValue instead. In both of these examples, instead of either making the comment redundant or relying on the comment to explain what the method really does, it’s much better to just let the code d

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