Podcast 51 – Journaling

Subconscious Mind Mastery Podcast - En podkast av Thomas Miller - Program Your Subconscious Mind / Law of Attraction / LOA / Law of Attraction / Subconscious Mind / Frederick Dodson / Spirituality / Reality Shifting / Parallel Universes / Desired Reality DR

One of you listeners wrote in asking about some of the experiences of Journaling, so this is the podcast to give you some thoughts and ideas of how journaling helped transform my life.  It was a key part of what took me from being on a road that was not working out to living the life of my dreams.  This is what worked for me.  It's important in this are, because of what could come up for you, that whatever you choose to do be suited and tailored for your situation.  What worked for me, may not work for you, but here are some ideas you might implement.

The book I mentioned in the Podcast is by Esther Hicks, called “Ask and It Is Given:  Learning to Manifest Your Desires”.  It's a good book to accompany this podcast.

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