minimalism (part 3: fashion)

anything goes with emma chamberlain - En podkast av emma chamberlain

today we're going to be discussing minimalism in fashion. fast fashion is the business model of replicating recent high fashion design trends, mass producing them at low cost, and bringing them to retail stores quickly while demand is at its highest. trend cycles are insanely fast nowadays, and fast fashion is thriving because a lot of people want to participate in the trends as they happen. but i think a lot of people are sick of this. number one, it's exhausting and expensive to keep up with all the trends when they're constantly changing overnight. but also, people are starting to realize the impact that being a maximalist consumer is having on the environment and even their wellbeing. i think a lot of people are ready to dial it back and return to a simpler fashion experience. so let's dig a little deeper on what minimalism is in fashion. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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