does money buy happiness?
anything goes with emma chamberlain - En podkast av emma chamberlain

today we're going to talk about the age-old question: does money buy happiness. now i know you might be thinking, 'okay, emma, you're talking about something that you've kind of experienced.' i mean, i'm no billionaire, but i have made money in a way that i didn't know was possible. however, i don't really relate to a lot of people with money, since i still live a pretty normal life: i do my own dishes, i go grocery shopping, i wipe my cats butts, you know, normal things...all that's to say, i think i have perspective. i also did not grow up rich. i was fine, i always had everything i needed, but i was always comparing myself to my friends who were rich... it made me feel bad about myself because i didn't grow up with a lot of money. i used to think that if i got rich, i would be magically happier. so now that i've been on both sides, i want to talk about it...does money actually buy happiness? let's see. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit