138: Scissor Me September
Stiff Socks - En podkast av Trevor Wallace and Michael Blaustein | Audioboom Studios - Onsdager

The boys get extremely scientific here and discuss the intricacies of how to get a bigger dick with a vision board, how men can't compete with vibrators, and why sometimes it's ok to scream at someone in a parking lot. They also wonder if Drake is actually hot and hear from a listener with a magical fist. Get 4 bonus episodes a month and instant access to all 100 Patreon episodes for $5/month at www.patreon.com/stiffsockspod Thanks to Babbel for sponsoring this episode. Get 6 months for the price of 3 at www.babbel.com with our code SOCKS Thanks to Raycon for sponsoring this episode. Get 15% off at www.buyraycon.com/socks Thanks to Honey for sponsoring this episode. Get Honey for free at www.joinhoney.com/socks