Trekcast 351: What's up with Vadic's hand? Changeling faction connection to Laas? More fan theories!
Star Trek Podcast: Trekcast - En podkast av Trek Cast

Our full review of Picard season 304 No Win Scenario. With time running out, Picard, Riker, and crew must confront their past sins and heal fresh wounds, while the Titan, dead in the water, drifts helplessly toward certain destruction within a mysterious space anomaly.Directed by: Jonathan FrakesWritten by: Terry Matalas & Sean TrettaWhat's next on Picard? Shatner says his time is running out. And Pedro Pascal talks about Star Trek.News:Pedro reacts to Nic declining Star Wars says he doesn't have long to live Beltran turns down Picard Wars Props coming your way blood runs deep did Shaw pick 7 of 9 First Officer? us a voicemail 1-816-287-0448Follow us on Twitter & Instagram - @[email protected]@gmail.comHelp support the show -