S2 #52 / C.R. Sanders on UFOs, Magick, and High Strangeness
Spirit Box - En podkast av Darragh Mason

In this episode of Spirit Box, I’m joined by C.R. Sanders a practitioner with over 25 years of specialised practice in tarot, astrology, healing modalities, folklore, and the paranormal. Beyond his deep esoteric knowledge, C.R. has built a career producing acclaimed television and film content. Our chat dives into the fascinating intersections of UFO phenomena, folklore, and the supernatural. C.R. shares his wealth of experiences investigating UFO encounters and ghost stories, offering profound insights into the cultural and spiritual dimensions of these phenomena. Here’s what we cover: The connections between UFO encounters and ancient folklore, such as parallels with the Virgin Mary, the Fairy Queen, and other global mythologies. The overlap between UFO/UAP communities and occult practices—and the challenges of bridging these differing perspectives. Firsthand accounts of UFO sightings, including stories of implants, time distortions, and radiation burns, all set against the backdrop of humanity’s longing for the extraordinary. The decline of imagination in modern culture and the need for authentic creativity in art and storytelling and the need for discernment online. The tension between scientific materialism and paranormal phenomena, with C.R. advocating for a more open-minded exploration of ESP and mystical experiences. We continue in the Plus show with the first hand accounts and get into: The decline of imagination in modern culture and the need for authentic creativity in art and storytelling and the need for discernment online. The tension between scientific materialism and paranormal phenomena, with C.R. advocating for a more open-minded exploration of ESP and mystical experiences. Enjoy! Show notes:C.R.'s Instagram https://www.instagram.com/misterxofer/C.R.'s website https://lalanomicon.com/home/Knock Apparition https://aleteia.org/2021/08/21/eyewitness-accounts-of-our-lady-of-knockCosmic Trigger https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic_Trigger_trilogyRobert Anton Wilson https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Anton_WilsonJoshua Cutchin https://www.joshuacutchin.comSt Oliver Plunkett https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_Plunkett More on St Plunkett http://www.saintoliverplunkett.com/index.html#top Keep in touch? https://linktr.ee/darraghmason Music by Obliqka