#95 / Jim Hunt on Psychic Mediumship, Contracts, Shapeshifters and Shadow People

Spirit Box - En podkast av Darragh Mason

For episode 95 we are joined by Psychic Medium Jim Hunt from the TV show "Knock Knock Ghost" (currently available on Amazon Prime). Jim is an acclaimed Psychic Medium who became aware of his sixth sense at the early age of five. Born in Montreal to a half Native Psychic mother, he was raised, nurtured and guided by both the living and the dead. Over the years, Jim has helped thousands of people around the globe set and achieve goals both personally and professionally with his unconventional methods. In the show we go through the experience of seeing spirits, what family spirits want, the nature of contracts, entities and attachments and a deeply interesting section on shapeshifters. In addition to that he starts to spontaneously read me! In the Plus the show we discuss Elementals, Djinn, Fairies, well this is the Spirit Box after all! Anything else would be a disappointment. We also discuss the Afterlife and previous lives and Jim starts reading me again with remarkable accuracy! Show notes: https://www.jimhuntofficial.com https://www.facebook.com/jimhuntofficial Keep in touch? https://linktr.ee/darraghmason Music by Obliqka https://soundcloud.com/obliqka

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