#93 / Meredith Herenbruck on Spirit and Energy attachments

Spirit Box - En podkast av Darragh Mason

For episode 93 we are joined Meredith Herrenbruck, a Master NLP Practitioner and Kahuna. We discuss some of her cases including a ghost in the closet- how she had two clients with serious issues. One a ghost, the other was an entity attached to a toy  Meredith describes how energy (sometimes even entities, too) is attached to objects:  Rings, gifts, WWII helmets and a knife hidden beneath a newly paved street, wreaking havoc on the living.  She stresses the importance of keeping ourselves and our houses clean and vibrant- need to keep things clean, organised and energetically happy. Negativity breeds negativity and entities and come in and attach and deplete you of yours.    Change in personality? New Phobia? Perhaps it’s an entity that is attached. They bring their baggage with them. Still mourning the loss of a loved one years later? Still crying when you think about them? Perhaps they didn’t go to the great beyond, but are actually attached to you.   In the plus show we discuss Meredith's Family constellation practice and how sometimes there are forces greater than ourselves, and sometimes those forces can make a mess of a family. Often when a trauma has occured upstream in the family and has not resolved, the younger generations can come in and grab onto that stuck energy to heal it, in effort to say "I love you."  All the while, it is actually wreaking havoc on themselves and their families: and doesn't actually heal the original problem.   Constellations are a great basis to assist in clearing out other parts of our lives, not only stuck family energy, but  entities, soul fragments, vows, curses and more.  Discovered and expanded by Burt Hellinger, a psychoanalist in Germany, this system has an amazing way of teasing apart what's stuck and offers a resolution to the system. Like ripples in a pond, the resolution allows greater healing to take place.   Enjoy!   Show notes: https://www.livingyourawesome.com/ www.ghostfreeproperty.com   Keep in touch? https://linktr.ee/darraghmason Music by Obliqka https://soundcloud.com/obliqka

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